215: Erin Sparrold Part 1 – Daily vs Sports Periodized Nutrition

Sports Periodized Nutrition vs Daily Nutrition: Erin Sparrold, CN METS I, is a sports nutritionist with a passion for improving the nutritional health and performance of athletes. Erin’s focus lies in supporting her clients’ nutritional needs and their use of foods to help them build health while enhancing performance. She has over 20 years of nutrition coaching experience. Erin…

214: Live Podcasting, Three Amigos, Vesting Up, MAPCON 2018

MAPCON’ Three Amigos Return with RAF of SRVD.vet, and Nick G of The Dependent Independent Podcast:   That’s right, the Three Amigos are back! This is our LIVE Podcast from this years, 2018 Mid-Atlantic Podcast Conference! This years returning podcast episode brings you a new theme, a Three Amigos theme, with the return of Rafael…

213: Burnout, Masculinity, Femininity with Danielle Laura & Travis Roznos

Masculinity vs Femininity, Burnout Continued, Leaking Energy, and More on Today’s Healthy Lifestyle Podcast.   Masculinity and Femininity Defined: Possession of the qualities traditionally associated with men. “handsome, muscled, and driven, he’s a prime example of masculinity” synonyms: virility, manliness, maleness, machismo, vigor, strength, muscularity, ruggedness, robustness; informaltestosterone “he’s the picture of masculinity” Femininity Defined: The quality…

212: Do The Right Thing with Lifestyle Entrepreneur Ryan Lee

Learn To Rewind Today and Do The Right Thing From Today’s Lifestyle Entrepreneur Ryan Lee:   Ryan Lee is the founder of REWIND – home of the world’s first nutrition “Superbar”. He’s also the author of The Millionaire Workout, Passion to Profits, was featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal, and called…

211: Attend THRIVE, Real Estate, Swinging for the Fences with Legacy Perez & Cole Hatter

Catching Up On Real Estate, Entrepreneurship, and Value To Attend THRIVE With Legacy Perez and Cole Hatter   AttendTHRIVE.com Discover how to Make Money and Create Your Legacy! #MakeMoneyMatter Who is COLE HATTER? Hey, what’s up! My name is Cole Hatter, and this is the part where I tell you what makes me…me. Growing up…

210: PTSD, Anxiety, Dear Billie on Kickstarter with Ben Miller

Dear Billie Author, PTSD Spokesman, Ben Miller:   Today’s new guest co-host is a multi-author, with his most recent project, Dear Billie. We’re trying to help Ben get the word out there on his Kickstarter launch for this book. Ben Miller was born and raised in the Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania, graduating Nazareth High…

209: MAPCON 2018 and Returning Home with Super Joe Pardo

MAPCON Founder, 18 Months To Franchise Business Podcaster, Joe Pardo Is Returning Home:   Catching up with Super Joe Pardo, founder of the MAPCON aka the Mid-Atlantic Podcast Conference. Joe announces that he is returning home to grow his families business. We also obviously discuss this years MAPCON event, public speaking, the author life, book…

208: The FAT Emperor Ivor Cummins, #FatDoc, DNA, and more!

Today We Finally Get to Talk Healthy Fats Science with Ivor Cummins Also Known As The Fat Emperor From Dublin Ireland:   Ivor Cummins BE(Chem) CEng MIEI PMP® completed a Chemical Engineering in 1990. He has since spent over 25 years in corporate technical leadership and management positions, and was shortlisted in 2015 as one…

207: Ultra Salt and Pure Vitamins in the UK and Europe with Andy Schreiber

Pure Vitamin Club is finally launching overseas to the UK and Europe:   Welcome back to our show for a repeat guest co-host, Andy Schreiber of Pure Vitamins Club and Pure Coffee Club. Andy has talked on a past episode about their Pure Vitamins coming to the UK and eventually Europe. Well now it’s finally happening,…

206: Relationships and Healthy Communication with Poppy & Geoff

Healthy Communication Happens on Today’s Relationships Focused Podcast with Poppy and Geoff Spencer!   Are you ready to dig into gaining Healthier Communication which means Healthier Relationships?! Well Poppy and Geoff Spencer, M.S., CPC, are certified counselors, nationally syndicated writers, relationship and parenting experts, certified in Myers Briggs (personality), “Millennial Translators,” national speakers, authors of…

205: Burnout Awareness with Travis Roznos

Burnout Awareness is important. Major Unhealthy Repercussions in Your Lifestyle Balance Will Occur Resulting From Burnout.   Burnout Defined: A physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress. Special note, high-level professionals often reach points of burnout. Let’s focus on Awareness today and learn more to address this stressful lifestyle impact. Travis is an ex-corporate…

204: LIVE, Masculine vs Feminine Energy with Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D.

Part 2 of Live Podcasting from a Healthy Dinner at CoreLife. Masculine vs Feminine Energy, Desensitizing Fearful Mindset and more. LIVE from dinner at CoreLife Eatery in Allentown, PA, Dr. Megan and Scott finish part 2 of this Facebook Live podcast session. Megan just finished debriefing her recent athletic adventures completing the Ragnar Race in Niagara Falls,…

203: Conscious Communications and Spiritual Cleansing with Mary Shores

Conscious Communications, Neuroscience, Spiritual Cleansing in Peru on this Business Lifestyle Podcast:   Mary is the author of Conscious Communications for Harnessing The Power of Your Words. She is an expert in personal development but is not a life coach; she’s a businesswoman who discovered a road map of how to get in control of…

202: No Magic Pill Body Transformation with Lydia Hunt

Lydia Hunt’s Amazing, No Magic Pill, Body Transformation:   Catching up with Lydia Hunt of Missouri, helping one of my fellow ISACROSSFITTER community members. Lydia has accomplished an amazing body transformation in just a years time! She’s here to share how there is No Magic Pill. Check out her quick bio: My name is Lydia Hunt. I am…

201: AlignedSoul, Action, Mindset, F–k Record with Christine Michelle

AlignedSoul, Mindset, WOO, and Taking Action While Setting a New F–k Record Today with Christine Michelle Hayes:   Christine is the Founder and Creator of The AlignedSoul Collective and Society, a Manifestation Success Coach, and Mindset Mentor. She has 20+ years of Marketing & Business Executive experience in 2 of the Worlds Most Recognized Brands.…

200: Kenyon Salo’s Bucket List Lifestyle FUEL for LIVETHEFUEL

Bucket List Life, Skydiving, Public Speaking, Rappelling Super Heroes, and more! Bucket List FUEL is powerful, especially from Kenyon Salo. This is a special 200th Podcast episode with one of my inspiration influencers who helped me create and build LIVETHEFUEL! Kenyon has dedicated himself to living life to the fullest and helping others do the…

199: The Go For NO People, Business Success, Network Marketing with Andrea Waltz

“Go For NO” In Business and Especially Life with Today’s CoHost:   Andrea Waltz is the co-author of Go For NO! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There. Along with her husband and business partner Richard Fenton, she has made her mission to liberate people from fears of failure and rejection, sharing…

198: Peak Performance, Swimming, Dogs, with Athlete, Brian Bergford

Bergford Peak Performance, Speaker, Coach, and Fellow Competitive Athlete:   Brain Bergford is a Professional Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, competitive athlete, and the Owner of Bergford Performance Systems. He specializes in helping motivated and athletic CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business owners gain the tools to take their businesses and lives to the next level. Colored by…

197: LIVE from CoreLife, Ragnar, Transformation, Bone Broth with Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D.

CoreLife Live Podcasting, Healthy Eating, Body Transformation, Athletic Mindset, and JUST START!   LIVE from dinner at CoreLife Eatery in Allentown, PA, Dr. Megan and Scott catch up. Megan is excited to share and debrief her recent athletic adventures completing the Ragnar Race in Niagara Falls, Canada. They discuss the 200+ mile adventures, her team…

196: The Chief Sexy Boss Herself, Entrepreneur and Author, Heather Havenwood

Sexy Boss Best-Selling Author, and Female Entrepreneur That’s Beating The Big Boys:   Sexy Boss aka Heather Ann Havenwood, teaches coaches, experts, and service providers current online marketing and sales strategies to close the right clients, anytime they want. She is regarded as a top authority on digital marketing, sales coaching, and online publishing business…