091: Spartan Super Race Lessons and Tips
Spartan Super Lessons and Tips from your Host, Scott Mulvaney: A special solo episode on Spartan Super Lessons and Tips with your LIVETHEFUEL Host, Scott Mulvaney! He recorded this episode on July 9th, 2017 after completing the Spartan Race Super Pennsylvania 2017 at the Blue Mountain Ski Resort in Palmerton, PA on Saturday, July 8,…
090: Documentary Movie Challenges & Life Transformations
Your Documentary Movie Lifestyle Transformed: A year ago we met at MAPCON where today’s returning co-host was promoting an upcoming documentary movie called The Messengers. Scott interviewed Niel because he was looking to lose 100 lbs for a major lifestyle transformation as well. Since then the film has been shot and edited over the past ten months.…
089: Archetypes & Storytelling with Kylie Slavik
Your Professional Storytelling, Archetypes Co-Host: Kylie Slavik has revolutionized the way online marketing is done, proving that love and story-based marketing can get better results than fear, hype, and scarcity. She has pioneered methods across Facebook and LinkedIn advertising, business storytelling, email copywriting, content marketing and strategic partnerships… generating multiple millions of dollars for her…
088: The AHA’s Deadly Coconut Oil vs Dr. Jack Wolfson
AHA’s false education on Deadly Coconut Oil & Saturated Fat with Dr. Jack Wolfson: We’ve brought back our co-host from episode 070 on Wheat, Leaky Gut, and Vaccines! Yes, The Paleo Cardiologist author himself, Dr. Jack Wolfson returns to respond to the “deadly”, inflammatory publication on Coconut Oil from the American Heart Association. On…
086: AHA, Coconut Oil, & Fat with Erin Sparrold, CN, MET
Our Sports Nutritionist Co-Host Helps Address the AHA and Coconut Oil: With the AHA publishing incorrect health guidance on Coconut Oil and Saturate Fat, our regular co-host Erin Sparrold returns! She’s a Sports Nutritionist with Mind of the Athlete and knows her body fuel! On This Episode You Will Hear: [spp-timestamp time=”01:40″] Welcome…
085: The Millionaires Apprentice and Prosperity Flow with Alec Friel
Your Millionaires Apprentice Co-Host: The Millionaires Apprentice to Jeffery Combs of the Golden Mastermind Seminars and of the Millionaire Blueprint. Michigan Born, Bay Living, Investor, Business Owner, & Product Development Creator… welcome Alec Friel as our latest co-host! On This Episode You Will Hear: [spp-timestamp time=”01:15″] Our introduction to the Millionaires Apprentice. [spp-timestamp time=”03:00″] 5…
084: PVC’s B-12 Launch & Olive Oil Vitamins with Andy Schreiber
B-12 and Your Purest Vitamins Co-Host: Your pure vitamins educational co-host returns to talk about life with the addition of a B-12 launch and what’s up with olive oil vitamins?! Welcome back to our show for a 3-peat, Andy Schreiber of Pure Vitamins Club! A reminder he has helped co-host our show back on episodes…
083: A Fit Business Mindset with Coach John Casto
Your Fit Business Mindset Co-Host: I met today’s Fit Business Minded co-host at DreamCon 2017. We were both scheduled speakers at this charity focused event. Now through the successful energy of this new event, we ended up adapting our speeches on the fly, to focus the power of Mindset. Coach John has spent most of…
080: The Live Great, THRIVING Lifestyle returns with Luke Depron
Your Live Great Coach and Co-Host, Luke DePron Returns: Your past Live Great Lifestyle co-host returns. He’s a Health and Fitness Coach with a B.S. in Exercise Science Kinesiology along with serving as a Certified Dharma Coach. With in-person work, his true focus is on corrective exercise, postural restoration, and improving biomechanics to help optimize…
079: Your Holistic Business Oracle with Ali Walter
Holistic Business Oracle Co-Host with TheAliWalter.com: Today’s co-host has been acquired from a friendly and casual connection online in the social media space. She’s a consultant helping holistic business owners grow more profitably and seamlessly so they can widen their impact, without sacrificing their personal lives. With an uncanny ability to see patterns where others…
078: Your CrossFitting Hardcore Closer Ryan Stewman
Ryan is Teaching the Ways of a HardCore Closer Lifestyle: A huge WELCOME to your latest co-host for our podcast, Ryan Stewman, CEO and Founder of Hardcore Closer and Break Free Academy. He is a 4x best-selling Author, Motivational Speaker, Sales Coach, Podcast Host, Blogger and all around Entrepreneur. He’s also a regular contributor to…
076: IMNOTYOU, NFL, Firefighting, Mindset and Niyi Sobo
From the NFL to Firefighting to Entrepreneurship, Your IMNOTYOU Co-Host: A collegiate football player, gone NFL, and then on to serve as a firefighter for three years, Niyi Sobo( nee-yee show-boh) has experienced a lot. He’s followed his passions to build his own entrepreneurial brand, two podcast shows and more! Niyi’s full name is Olaniyi Sobomehin…
075: The Millionaire Blueprint Mindset and Valerie Pawlowski
Returning Kettlebell Champion and Millionaire Blueprint Mindset Co-Host: In this episode, we catch back up since our attendance at the Millionaire Blueprint event that Valerie and I both attended in New Jersey last month. We had actually recorded live at the event over lunch, however, the audio was lost. Today’s show, we’re taking the time to…
073: DreamCon, MAPCON, Hopeworks and Super Joe Pardo
DreamCon creator with Co-Host Super Joe Pardo: Catching up with Super Joe Pardo, founder of the Mid-Atlantic Podcast Conference. Joe announces his big May 2017 event known as DreamCon. We also discuss his latest creation of 234 Solutions, his new books on the way and his new inspirational work with Hopeworks of Camden, NJ. On…