281: Celebrate Athletic Anniversaries with Dr. Megan Cannon

Discussing the Power and Impact on Why to Celebrate Anniversaries:
Megan has been working with many school sports teams on mindset preparation. Today we dig into the swimming team(s) and much more. She talks to our audience regularly, about many high-value topics such as health, fitness, mindset, and Sports Psychology. Specializing as a Sports Psychologist, Megan brings a wealth of mindset psychology and a whole lot more to our show. Listen in while we catch up with Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D.!
Today’s shorter podcast is Part I of our theme for June and July for understanding the importance of choosing to celebrate your athletic anniversaries. We recorded both episodes back to back, live, at F13 Performance surrounded by the #SYRArmy formerly SYR CrossFit.
Top 3 Hot Points:
- Athletic Anniversaries
- Celebrate Anniversaries
- Track Milestones
[spp-tweet tweet=”Celebrate Your Athletic Anniversary Moments #SportsPsychology #HealthPodcast @drmegancannon “]
Links and Resources:
- DrMeganCannon.com
- Dr. Megan Cannon on Facebook
- Dr. Megan Cannon on Instagram
- Dr. Megan Cannon on Twitter
- Dr. Megan Cannon on Linked-In
Final Words:
I think it’s just knowing what type of calendar relationship you have with your calendar. Are you a person that can schedule in advance and that then holds you accountable? Plus does it actually allow these things to happen? Or are you more spontaneous individual? No matter if you are trying to schedule things out, or if you are that more spontaneous side, look for those opportunities. Whether it’s an annual event that happens each year, or whether it’s an ebb and flow of your career cycle, or maybe it’s mine used to be which was this like one specific time of being on vacation that it was always that mental check in with myself but either way having that check in to just celebrate give yourself the credit for what you have accomplished in that year, or two years, three years, whatever it might be, because America and our culture we’re always going to have that push forward. And so purchasing ourselves to take a look in the rearview mirror sometimes see what we’ve done and then readjust the focus forward.
Influencers Mentioned:
- F13 Performance visit http://first13athletics.com
On This Episode You Will Hear:
- [spp-timestamp time=”00:30″] Introduction
- [spp-timestamp time=”10:00″] I don’t even know where I’ll be living this time next year. So I think to have those moments, whether it’s an anniversary, or you just choose an event that you kind of do annually, give yourself the opportunity to look back. To be able to say wow, this time last year, look at what I accomplished!
- [spp-timestamp time=”11:20″] It can just be reflecting back on something. Doing that is really important. Often we go through the day to day to day, and you’re checking boxes and doing the things that we don’t realize how much we actually accomplish?
- [spp-timestamp time=”14:30″] I think in everybody’s profession, there probably is something similar, not necessarily identical. That might be some natural breaking points of giving our selves the ability and permission to pause and look back.
- [spp-timestamp time=”15:50″] First of all, it’s making that a priority. It has to be on your radar initially. Going in with an intention, six months from now, I’m going to check in with myself on this or in a year from now.
- [spp-timestamp time=”18:45″] It’s tough because there have been times that I have tried to pre-register for races to get the early bird discount. Then something with work comes up and I’m like crap.
- [spp-timestamp time=”20:00″] What just happened to me with a 5k in April, I couldn’t get rid of the race entry bib. People get injured, people have crazy lives. I was trying to just get it moved on within a running group I’m in but either people were already registered or otherwise.
- [spp-timestamp time=”20:30″] It’s just one of those things where it just reinforced why I choose to not schedule things out that far in advance.
- [spp-timestamp time=”22:00″] Final Words
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- Submit an iTunes Review. More 5 Stars reaches more people!
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Last Appearances:
- 263: Endurance Psychology, Iron Cowboy, Mental Fortitude, and Free Solo
- 261: Swimming Seasons and Pre-Competition Prep Psychology
- 204: LIVE, Masculine vs Feminine Energy with Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D.
- 229: Athlete Injury Recovery and Mindset
- 197: LIVE from CoreLife, Ragnar, Transformation, Bone Broth with Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D.
- 185: Reviewing Mindfulness with Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D.
- 181: Reviewing Body Image, CrossFit, Murph, etc with Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D
- 167: Sleep & Performance, Rest B4 Failure, CrossFit Open, Mind+Body+Spirit with Dr. Megan Cannon
- 152: Anxiety, the Super Bowl, and CrossFit Adoration with Dr. Megan Cannon and Corley Heiserman
- 124: Confidence is like Deodorant with Dr. Megan Cannon
- 093: Seasonal Affective Disorder & the Spartan Race Mindset LIVE at Whole Foods Allentown
- 067: Hobbies and Healthy Lifestyles with Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D.
- 053: Emotional IQ and Intelligence with Dr. Megan Cannon
- 050: A Healthy 50th Podcast with Mind of the Athlete
- 042: Goals for 2017 & Return of Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D
- 021: Understanding our Mindset with Mind of the Athlete