124: Confidence is like Deodorant with Dr. Megan Cannon

Apply Your Confidence Every Day, Co-Host Return of Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D.:
Catching up with Megan Cannon and recording live at their Mind of the Athlete offices in Bethlehem, PA. Talking Psychology, Mindfulness, Confidence like Deodorant, Balancing Your 6 Domains for Life Balance, plus the power of our Top 3 Wins!
On This Episode You Will Hear:
- [spp-timestamp time=”00:50″] Welcoming back Megan.
- [spp-timestamp time=”01:00″] Recording onsite at Mind of the Athlete in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
- [spp-timestamp time=”01:40″] Confidence is not a permanent habit. It’s like deodorant, you have to put it on every day, sometimes multiple times a day. It’s something that we have to be mindful of and work on every single day.
- [spp-timestamp time=”03:10″] Why confidence is crucial, get off of autopilot.
- [spp-timestamp time=”27:20″] Talking Psychology, the 6 Domains of Focus and graphing this theory in reference to a power curve of life balance.
- [spp-timestamp time=”42:00″] Getting off autopilot, focusing on those 3 big things.
- [spp-timestamp time=”01:00:00″] Final Words
Confidence is like deodorant, you have to put it on every day. – Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D.
[spp-tweet tweet=”Confidence is like deodorant, you have to put it on every day. #confidence @DrMeganCannon “]
Links and Resources:
- Muhlenberg College
- Mind of the Athlete
- Dr. Megan Cannon on Twitter
- Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D. at Mind of the Athlete
- Dr. Megan Cannon on Linked-In
People Mentioned:
Other Mind of the Athlete Episodes:
- Episode 67: Hobbies and Healthy Lifestyles with Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D.
- Episode 53: Emotional IQ and Intelligence
- Episode 50: Healthy 50th Podcast Mind of the Athlete
- Episode 42: Goals for 2017 & return of Dr. Megan Cannon PhD
- Episode 38: Nutrition Balance with Erin Sparrold
- Episode 32: Dr. Jarrod Spencer Sports Psychologist Mind of the Athlete
- Episode 30: Balance Sleep Emotional Health
- Episode 21: Understanding our Mindset with Mind of the Athlete
Final Words:
Remember to check in and remember that “Confidence is like deodorant, it’s something that we have to apply every day.” Be aware of it, take that exercise to become aware.
Action Steps:
- Please Submit an iTunes Show Rating & Review, we need more reviews to increase our ranking and appearance. We love 5 Stars!
- Join THE FUEL TANK our community on Facebook! – “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” ~ Quote by Jim Rohn
- Be sure to check out our Resources and a reminder to “Keep Living The Fired Up Epic Life everyone!” #LIVETHEFUEL