Skiing Lungs Gratitude for #FUELUP Friday

Skiing Lungs Gratitude for #FUELUP Friday ep 314

Today’s FUEL Up Friday Podcast Hits on Healthy Gratitude, Skiing Lifestyle, and Lung Health Recovery:   Top 3 Hot Point Takeaways: Gratitude for a Healthy Lifestyle Appreciation to keep skiing at high altitudes Lung Health Recovery from a Spontaneous Pneumothorax   Timestamped Show Notes: 00:30: Introduction 05:00: Because jackasses like me will probably want to…

KETO, Oxygenation Toxicity, Nutritional Fasting with Dr. Dominic D’Agostino

KETO, Oxygenation Toxicity, Nutritional Fasting with Dr. Dominic D’Agostino

Discussing KETO Nutrition, Farm Life, Toxicity, Fasting, Ketones, and more: Dr. Dominic D’Agostino is a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine. He is also a Research Scientist at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC).  His laboratory develops and tests…

Wildfire Podcast, Filmmaker, POW Athlete, with Pro Climber Graham Zimmerman

Wildfire Podcast, Filmmaker, POW Athlete, with Pro Climber Graham Zimmerman

Talking about the Wildfire Podcast, the Great Outdoor Lifestyle, and much more! Graham is an award-winning professional climber and a well-recognized filmmaker in the outdoor industry. He works as a producer and the director of development with Bedrock Film Works through which he is able to utilize his extensive logistics, rigging, marketing, and media expertise…

Situational Awareness for #FUELUP Friday

Situational Awareness for #FUELUP Friday ep 311

Today’s FUELUP Friday Podcast is about the importance of Keeping Your Situational Awareness Up aka Alert!   “Keep Your SA Up! – Quoted Scott W. Mulvaney   Top 3 Hot Point Takeaways: Staying alert and ready. Don’t freak out and stay calm. Keep Your SA Up aka Keeping Your Situational Awareness Up. Timestamped Show Notes:…

Rocket Your Dollar Investing with Henry Yoshida

Rocket Your Dollar Investing with Henry Yoshida ep 310

Today we learn about Self-Investing and the Rocket Dollar platform with co-founder Henry Yoshida: Henry is CEO and Co-founder of Rocket Dollar, a web platform that lets people invest tax-advantaged retirement monies into private alternative investments. Henry was the founder of venture capital-backed Robo-advisor retirement plan platform Honest Dollar[acquired by Goldman Sachs], was the founder…