106: How to Lose 200 lbs with My Sugar Free Journey

How to Lose 200 lbs with My Sugar Free Journey's Aarn Farmer NSNG and KETO on LIVETHEFUEL

Your Sugar-Free Weight Loss Transformation Co-Host: After turning 40 years old and realizing his health was in serious trouble, our co-host decided to make some changes. He was over 400 lbs and had a blood pressure of 200/160. After some trial and error, Aarn Farmer experimented with not eating sugar, saying no to sugar or grains, and…

090: Documentary Movie Challenges & Life Transformations

090: Documentary Life Transformations with Niel Guilarte

Your Documentary Movie Lifestyle Transformed: A year ago we met at MAPCON where today’s returning co-host was promoting an upcoming documentary movie called The Messengers. Scott interviewed Niel because he was looking to lose 100 lbs for a major lifestyle transformation as well. Since then the film has been shot and edited over the past ten months.…

051: Your Mitochondria & Biohacking with Dr. Jack Kruse

051- Your Mitochondria & Biohacking with Dr. Jack Kruse on LIVETHEFUEL

Mitochondria with a Neurosurgeon Co-Host: It’s time to take it back and reconnect to nature. Remove ourselves from our devices and take care of one of the most important surface areas on our bodies. Our eyes. Opening our eyes to a whole new world is today’s co-host, Dr. Jack Kruse. Jack is a Neurosurgeon and an…

044: Silicon Valley, Cancer, Paleo, Sleep with Kevin Cottrell

Sleep focused, Paleo fed co-hosting: The key to fitness, health and wellness are sleep. With poor sleep comes poor foundations. With poor foundations, we cannot build. Everything will come crashing down. People through time have worn a lack of sleep, due to hustle and getting stuff done, as a badge of honor. It’s time to…

033: The Secret Life of Fat Author Dr. Sylvia Tara PhD


Fat… Understand It, Know It, Beat It: Knowledge is power and a lot of us certainly have not been educated when it comes to understanding Fat. On this episode, we talk with Dr. Sylvia Tara. Sylvia holds a PhD in biochemistry from the University of California at San Diego and an MBA from the Wharton…