I am not Aerodynamic with Scott King #NSNG

I am not Aerodynamic with Scott King #NSNG

300lbs Released, Not Aerodynamic, Yet, but a Hell of a Redesign: My name is Scott King 46 years old. Huge all my life. In 2006 I had gastric bypass. Day of surgery I was 552lbs. Lost weight but as these surgeries seem to go I gained all my weight back. I tried to have gastric…

Metabolic Profiling & Body Transformation

Metabolic Profiling & Body Transformation with Angelo Poli

Discussing Health, Metabolism, Fitness, and Metabolic Profiling with Angelo Poli of METPRO: ANGELO POLI Angelo Poli is an internationally recognized expert in fitness and nutrition. He’s the Founder of MetPro, the world’s first algorithm-based transformation engine. Using Metabolic profiling, MetPro analyzes your metabolism and provides an individualized approach to obtaining your health goals. Poli has…

299: Food Addiction & Personal Responsibility

Health Podcast 299: Food Addiction & Personal Responsibility

Getting real about Food Addiction and the fact we need to take Personal Responsibility: Jennifer Alembik is a Food Addiction Coach and recovering food addict who has devoted her life to speaking, writing and coaching on this debilitating disease. Jenny’s intense passion to raise awareness and help others comes from her own personal struggle with food.…

276: Pro MMA Fighter, Trainer, and Knowledge Coach

276: Pro MMA Fighter, Trainer, and Knowledge Coach - Clifford Starks

MMA Fighter Turned Trainer, Coach, and Mindset Buff, Welcome Clifford Starks: I graduated in Kinesiology in 2005 and became a personal trainer. I also became a professional fighter in 2009-2017. It has always been more than just transforming the body though, the mind and spirit play key factors to one’s success. Which I definitely learned…

202: No Magic Pill Body Transformation with Lydia Hunt

Lydia Hunt’s Amazing, No Magic Pill, Body Transformation:   Catching up with Lydia Hunt of Missouri, helping one of my fellow ISACROSSFITTER community members. Lydia has accomplished an amazing body transformation in just a years time! She’s here to share how there is No Magic Pill. Check out her quick bio: My name is Lydia Hunt. I am…