264: Attack Work-Life Balance and ATTCK Marketing
Today we discuss Work-Life Balance with the ATTCK Marketing man himself, Dennis Plucinik! Dennis Plucinik, ATTCK’s founder, started his company with the goal of doing things right. He’d spent years in the digital advertising world, where work and personal life blend into one and “work hard, play hard together” means never leaving the office—and having colleagues for drinking buddies. He…
263: Endurance Psychology, Iron Cowboy, Mental Fortitude, and Free Solo
Today’s Episode is a Part II from Dr. Megan Cannon’s episode 261. We dig deeper into the Endurance Psychology Mindset, the Iron Cowboy, the Free Solo documentary, and more: Megan has been working with many school sports teams on mindset preparation. Today we dig into the swimming team(s) and much more. She talks to our…
262: Our HELIYES Heliskiing Wedding Adventures
Our Skiing Themed Wedding of Heliskiing, Backcountry Cat-Skiing, and more in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada: This is a quick and short, special podcast episode to reflect on our return from our #HELIYES heliskiing wedding. That’s right, I actually got married! Dr. Kristen Fenstermacher VMD of All Points Equine and I, Scott Mulvaney of LIVETHEFUEL…
261: Swimming Seasons and Pre-Competition Prep Psychology
On today’s Health Podcast we talk swimming, competition preparation, and mindset with our regular Sports Psychologist, Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D. Megan has been working with many school sports teams on mindset preparation. Today we dig into the swimming team(s) and much more. She talks to our audience regularly, about many high-value topics such as health, fitness, mindset, and Sports…
260: Your Mindset Wiring and Become a Lifter!
Helping Companies and Individuals Tune In To Lifter Leadership: From TEDx Hong Kong to his home in southern California, Paresh Shah loves to help others see the light of Lifter Leadership. Lifters can be anyone from the receptionist that brightens everyone’s day, to the call center rep who knows exactly how to listen and make an…