118: Making Money Matter with Academy of Skiing Scot Chrisman

Academy of Skiing Creator and Today’s Co-Host:
I had the honor of meeting this episodes co-host, in person at this years, 2017 THRIVE: Make Money Matter event. We can thank our mutual connection with one of the event’s sponsors, The Billion Dollar Body community. Enough about our event networking, let’s learn about today’s co-host!
I’ve been skiing since the age of 2 and haven’t looked back since. At the age of 6, I was skiing competitively, racing for Eldora Mountain Ski Club and then Rowmark Ski Academy, until I graduated high school.
Skiing, Photography, Adventure, Passion, Culture. – Scot Chrisman
I hung up my skis and gave up my prospects for the US Olympic Ski Team in an attempt to take a break from skiing and live a normal life. But the mountains kept calling to me and I had to answer. It wasn’t long before I was out on the slopes with the wind in my face and the snow under my skis once more.
After almost two years of coaching ski racing in college, Big Mountain competitions stole me from my studies and led me on the path I’ve been skiing along for the past 7 years. I’ve chased the Freeskiing World Tour around the globe while living out of my car and sleeping on couches and in hotel rooms. I’ve learned more about skiing and the ski community on the road than I ever could have from skiing at home.
For 2 seasons the road was my home; I was filming, meeting like-minded people, and shredding Montana, Idaho, California, Utah, Washington, Oregon, Canada, Alaska, and Chile. I ended up in Crested Butte in 2012 for a competition and the valley stole my heart. After some exploration, I decided I was moving to CB. I’ve been nestled in the mountains for the past years continuing my pursuits of skiing and competing.
I am committed to sustainability and mindfulness, determined to battle climate change and better the world through skiing.
[spp-tweet tweet=”YOLO – You Only Live Once is abused and overused. @ScottytheSkier #skiing”]
On This Episode You Will Hear:
- [spp-timestamp time=”00:30″] Getting to know Scot Chrisman at THRIVE.
- [spp-timestamp time=”02:35″] Reflecting on the fingerprint experience as we closed out THRIVE: Make Money Matter 2017 and the messaging from the founder, Cole Hatter.
- [spp-timestamp time=”03:00″] Defining the purpose of living life as an Adrenaline Junkie.
- [spp-timestamp time=”04:00″] Scot has committed with his thumbprint on 09/30/17 to help make Purpose Driven business with his Academy of Skiing.
- [spp-timestamp time=”05:30″] Reflecting on friends and his fellow athletes that he’s lost over the years since he was 13 years old. A lost potential love as well.
- [spp-timestamp time=”07:30″] Discussing a ski race training accident on Mt. Hood where a fellow athlete lost their life from a double-ejection into some rocks.
- [spp-timestamp time=”08:15″] He grew up ski racing with Tony Seibert, grandson of the founder of Vail Resorts, who passed away in 2014 from an avalanche. This happened while, I, your host, was also skiing there at Vail… small world!
- [spp-timestamp time=”10:05″] What are we doing with our lives?! The FUEL on the fire for the Academy of Skiing.
- [spp-timestamp time=”11:00″] Clarifying the missing links behind PSIA and USSA training and their instructional programs.
- [spp-timestamp time=”12:20″] Big News! An Olympic Gold Medalist, David Wise will be joining Scot’s Podcast!
- [spp-timestamp time=”13:10″] Scot is figuring out a way to bridge the knowledge gap from the professional Olympian level to the average tourist so they can go out and enjoy the sport. It’s such a beautiful sport!
- [spp-timestamp time=”14:25″] Being a pro skier does NOT mean you make the big bucks!
- [spp-timestamp time=”15:30″] Your saving money Life Hack for skiing in Colorado at Vail Resorts.
- [spp-timestamp time=”16:40″] Weathering the storms of the Ups and the Downs.
You can’t get depressed when you’re down because the only place you can go is up! ~ Scot Chrisman
- [spp-timestamp time=”17:50″] Setting an example, seize the day, take action.
- [spp-timestamp time=”18:25″] Scot just lost his best friend, Jordan Niedrich in a Speed Flying accident only a year and a half ago.
- [spp-timestamp time=”18:45″] What is Speed Flying or Speed Riding on skis.
- [spp-timestamp time=”20:05″] Scot really wants to help people just getting into the sport of skiing to help make it enjoyable.
- [spp-timestamp time=”22:00″] Scot left the ski racing industry and went to the Freeride sport.
- [spp-timestamp time=”23:00″] Check out Scot’s off-season workout plan and training aka dryland training.
- [spp-timestamp time=”26:20″] Find someone willing to film you for a virtual training and ski technique consultation with Scot!
- [spp-timestamp time=”30:10″] Vegas Pool Party
- [spp-timestamp time=”30:30″] International Podcast Day today!
- [spp-timestamp time=”30:30″] This was recorded on International Podcast Day while at THRIVE Make Money Matter 2017!
- [spp-timestamp time=”31:00″] Final Words and Y.O.L.O
- [spp-timestamp time=”35:50″] Bonus Shoutout: Matt Belair of Zen Athlete.
[spp-tweet tweet=”Go from NO to PRO with the Academy Of Skiing @ScottytheSkier #skiing”]
Links and Resources:
- Pro Skier Scot Chrisman
- Scot Chrisman on Facebook
- Scot Chrisman on Twitter
- Scot Chrisman on Instagram
- AcademyOfSkiing.com
- Scot’s Off-Season Ski Workout Plan
- AOS on Facebook
- I Love Skiing Facebook Group Community for Skiiers
- Zen Athlete
People Mentioned:
- Cole Hatter
- RIP: Tony Seibert
- David Wise
- RIP: Jordan Niedrich
- Nicholas Bayerle of Billion Dollar Body
- Matt Belair
Final Words:
Scot wants to encourage each and every listener to realize that Yo Only Live Once aka Y.O.L.O. The term YOLO is a severely abused and overused term. It’s something that Scot is really trying to change, from inside and outside the ski industry, for everyone.
This is especially for millennials on the fact that “You Only Live Once” means that you should go out and fight every day to do your best job at being yourself. That doesn’t mean that you’re not going to make mistakes, that you’re not going to have rough days, or that perfection is even attainable.
Keeping that in the back of your mind, especially for Scot having a stark contrast on how quickly a light can be snuffed out. We can walk outside and be hit by a car. There are a number of things that can take you out on this planet. Understanding every moment matters and realize that you can really make a difference just by being you.
Action Steps:
- Please Submit an iTunes Show Rating & Review, we need more reviews to increase our ranking and appearance. We love 5 Stars!
- Join THE FUEL TANK our community on Facebook! – “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” ~ Quote by Jim Rohn
- Be sure to check out our Resources and a reminder to “Keep Living The Fired Up Epic Life everyone!” #LIVETHEFUEL