273: Strength in Vulnerability, Transparency, Truth, and One Last Talk Movement

International Speaker, Writer, Filmmaker, and Strength in Truth and Vulnerability Advocate:
Philip works with entrepreneurs and business leaders all over the world. When people are seeking clarity about their future or want to move through roadblocks, seen and unseen, they call Philip. As a speaker, he has inspired and challenged the Canadian Olympic Team and The Pentagon to name a few. He is also the founder and is spearheading the One Last Talk™ movement.
Quote: “A mid-life crisis is nothing more than your life decisions catching up with you.” – Philip McKernan
He helps people get clear on who they are and where they need to go. He helps them transition in their personal and professional lives so people feel aligned in all areas of life. Philip believes who and what we do ‘off the ice’ has a huge impact on our results ‘on the ice’. His groundbreaking Team Deepening™ work with organizations gives teams a refreshing way to connect and build real and collective resilience.
What separates Philip from a lot of coaches, speakers and gurus is originality. He brings new conversations to the table and spends an obscene amount of time thinking and challenging the status quo, instead of simply repackaging business & life hacking strategies. Philip McKernan is a philosopher, a modern day philosopher of the human experience. His pioneering philosophy around SoulSet™ equips and empowers people to uncover their gifts and impact the world.
With a knack of getting into all sorts of scenarios – he’s caddied in golf for the President of Ireland, been chased and nearly killed by a bull elephant in Nigeria and made wine in Australia. He has traveled to 80 countries around the globe, built an orphanage in Peru, written 5 books despite being dyslexic and created his first documentary film called Give & Grow. The film explores how the gift of giving makes us feel more worthy and alive. It also explores the science behind the impact of giving on our emotional well being, our mental health, our physiology, and our businesses.
Philip believes the path to a happy and fulfilling life is found through the meaning we derive in life through the WORK we do, our relationship to OTHERS and the most important relationship of all, the one with one’s SELF.
Top 3 Hot Points:
- Embracing Vulnerability
- Finding Strength in Truth
- Team Deepening
[spp-tweet tweet=”Your Shit. Handle it today or it will haunt you tomorrow. @PhilipMcKernan You Too Can LIVETHEFUEL! @livethefuel #business #podcast “]
- Book: One Last Talk on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2ElmmqG
- Philip’s Site: https://philipmckernan.com/
- Philip’s Quotes: https://philipmckernan.com/quotes/
- https://twitter.com/PhilipMcKernan
- Self-Determination Theory
Final Words:
There is nothing wrong with teambuilding, however the the research is showing that people want to “connect” more. There’s a whole body of research called Self-Determination Theory. Details linked above.
Let’s say three people want to connect and they want three things they want to be competent at with what they do. They want to be authentic in their own lives and want to connect deeply with themselves and people around them. All while deepening and our methodology behind that delivers to the three.
We believe that when you deliver authenticity and connection, your productivity increases automatically. So therefore, competency actually gets better. So we deliver two out of three with influence in the third as a byproduct to that. That’s the mission we’re on until I die.
Influencers Mentioned:
On This Episode You Will Hear:
- [spp-timestamp time=”00:30″] Introduction
- [spp-timestamp time=”11:00″] The only way you can deepen the relationship on earth is by giving somebody a genuine says sense of vulnerability. Sharing something that perhaps they didn’t know about you, sharing something that you didn’t necessarily want to share with that person.
- [spp-timestamp time=”20:00″] Group events. You’re not just one on one, you’re surrounding yourself with your peers. Everybody’s sharing their weaknesses or their opportunities together. There’s a lot of energy coming out of that. We live in a world today that doesn’t reward you for showing your weaknesses and rewards you for being successful.
- [spp-timestamp time=”30:00″] I could have spent 26 years doing this, but I’m awake now after these last 6 years. It’s judgment, the minute the judgment comes in, there is no opportunity for growth. I was definitely very judging on myself years ago.
- [spp-timestamp time=”40:00″] Launching the book, One Last Talk. Yeah, absolutely huge hesitations. The day it went out I was scared shitless about what the world would think. Live on Facebook, I opened the first copy of the book and my son was there. It was quite surreal. I’ve dedicated that book to the men and women who’ve done the One Last Talk’s and the men and women who are going to do them. So I just made a little promise to myself that I’ll never sign a copy of the book, which is about me giving homage to these men and women because it’s really all about them.
- [spp-timestamp time=”50:00″] Impressions only come with people in connection. It doesn’t mean that you’re in the wrong job, it doesn’t mean you have to leave it, it means that you need to understand that. It’s not until you start impacting the world.
- [spp-timestamp time=”51:00″] Final Words
Action Steps:
- Submit an iTunes Review. More 5 Stars reaches more people!
- Visit our Resources page and a reminder to LIVE-THE-FUEL my friends!
- Join my private Facebook community THE FUEL TANK!
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