273: Strength in Vulnerability, Transparency, Truth, and One Last Talk Movement

273: Strength of Vulnerability, Transparency, Truth, with One Last Talk Movement

International Speaker, Writer, Filmmaker, and Strength in Truth and Vulnerability Advocate: Philip works with entrepreneurs and business leaders all over the world. When people are seeking clarity about their future or want to move through roadblocks, seen and unseen, they call Philip. As a speaker, he has inspired and challenged the Canadian Olympic Team and…

130: Get Wellthy, Learn, Earn, and Thrive with Krisstina Wise

Get Wellthy, Learn, Earn, and Thrive with Healthy and Wealthy, Krisstina Wise!

Getting Wellthy with today’s Wealthy and Healthy Podcasting Co-Host: @KrisstinaWise is a real estate mogul, Millionaire Coach and creator of several multi-million dollar businesses including Goodlife Luxury, The Paperless Agent and most recently, WealthyWellthy. She is also an international speaker and the award-winning author of the Amazon Bestseller Falling for Money, a romance novel for your…