Healthy Mindsets, Overall Fitness, and Becoming Unstoppable

Become Unstoppable and Cross Your Creek:
Lisa’s transforming insights and highly effective workouts have been featured on every local channel: NBC, CBS, ABC, and FOX. She has also been featured in the Arizona Republic, including on the front cover. Her fitness boot camp for women was named Best of Peoria (Arizona) in the category of boot camps in 2014 and 2015. In 2016, she was named Best of Peoria in the category of trainers. Along with being a Certified Fitness Trainer, Lisa also became certified as a Transformation Life Coach. She is continually working on projects to help women understand the power behind taking time for themselves, creating a vision, learning how to overcome any obstacles that get in their path, and once and for all reaching that vision! She also coaches women on the power of shifting their thoughts from powerless to unstoppable. Lisa’s mission is to help women fully believe and realize that they already have in themselves everything they need to create the life they desire.
Quote: “Quit hanging on to the handrails…let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it everyday.” ~ Melody Beattie
Lisa’s keen interest in supporting others’ physical fitness started when she was as young as 9 years old. During play time, she would always create obstacle courses around her apartment complex to help her friends get into shape. After a very active athletic career, Lisa went on to coach volleyball at both the collegiate and high school levels. From there, Lisa developed a love and a passion for fitness and went on to create award-winning fitness and wellness programs for women, which include her fitness boot camp and wellness retreats. “My purpose is to take your current belief system, which may be holding you back, and teach you how to shift it into one that will move you toward your happiest, most fulfilling life, including your relationships, career, and body.”
Top 3 Hot Point Takeaways:
- Postive Mindsets
- Womens Coach
- Becoming Unstoppable
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Timestamped Show Notes:
00:30 – Introduction
09:30 – Rod Harrison has a great program on on mindset, and I really just zoned in on his and I learned so much about my own mindset and wanted to just transfer that over to my clients.
20:00 – Sharing book editing fun and challenges.
27:45 – It’s a struggle with the ladies night, I think from a fitness perspective, it is just the stories that they’ve been telling themselves about their weight and women are just very self conscious.
31:30 – The women help each other. That’s kind of what’s going off of what you’re talking about is, as they open up, they help each other through it. So maybe someone who’s just going through a six foot and there’s someone else going through a 20, the more shallow water might step in and help help the other one a little bit more. You know, just like when we were getting ready to cross the creek, we found quite a few paths across the creek.
39:45 – In my heart of hearts, I’m a coach. That’s what I thrive off of. That’s what I enjoy doing.
44:40 – It’s also disheartening a little bit, you see people spreading negativity. 2020 is definitely go down as one of the craziest years in a long time. I think we all agree on that.
48:55 – I’m doing the online coaching. The health and fitness coaching, I do that online as well. We’re actually getting ready in the next couple of weeks to start digging into the book together digitally. So we’re gonna start walking through the book, kind of an online retreat
53:25 – Final Words Shown Below…
Our Final Words of the Show:
I think that we all are given a desire for something, we’re all given a gift and a desire. And you know what that is deep in your own heart. So if you’re listening to that, if you’re getting pulled towards something, pay attention to that, and just know and pursue it and know that obstacles will come up. Like I said, it’s not always sexy to say that it’s not the greatest thing to say, you know, people don’t want to hear that, but it’s the reality. So creeks are gonna pop up. If you know that, then you know, when it does pop up, you can pause for a second kind of assess your situation, and make your plan to keep on moving forward. But let that that desire that you have, pay attention to it, let it pull you even if like we’re talking about with writing the book, I mean, I took three week breaks at certain times, I just, I was writing like crazy. And then I stopped for three weeks because I hit a block. But as you get back up, you keep going or you just slowly move, you know, you take baby steps. But whatever that is like continue to move forward. Never, never, never, never turn back. Follow that desire. Because there I think we all have a gift and helping each other. It’s we all have our own unique gift. And if we’re all following that desire and pursuing that, that gift to use that gift, we’re going to help other people just naturally. Everybody needs what you have somebody needs. Everybody has something that somebody else needs. That makes sense.
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