248: Building Biology, Healthy, & Wholesome Houses

A Huge Healthy House Welcome To Our First Healthy Home Strategist. Courtney Is a Health Coach For Your House Because Wellness Begins In Wholesome Houses:
Our Wholesome Houses Co-Host is a healthy housing strategist, real estate investor, and concerned wife and mom. In addition to consulting others on household health, she is also designing her own radically wholesome house in the hot and humid Emerald Coast of Florida. Courtney’s goal is to help you improve your family’s health and wellbeing by addressing the health hazards that exist in your home environment.
“Proper nutrition, regular movement, and lots of sunshine and laughter will take you far on your journey toward epic health. However, I believe they don’t go far enough. A truly holistic approach to health and well-being must also address one’s home environment.”
~ Courtney Lebedzinski 13999