181: Reviewing Body Image, CrossFit, Murph, etc with Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D

Our Regular Sports Psychologist Co-Host, Dr. Megan Cannon, Returns To Discuss Body Image:
Megan is our repeat co-host for targeting Body Image, mental health, fitness, and general daily mindset. She talks to our audience about so many high-value topics, with today’s important theme of the female as well as the male, Body Image. Specializing in Sports Psychology, Megan brings a wealth of mindset development and a whole lot more to our show. Listen in while we catch up with Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D.
Today’s new podcast episode is a newer format we’re testing out with the doc! We’re breaking our one-hour recording sessions up into 30-minute power sessions. Let’s see how you, the listeners, like the performance and knowledge we can cram into 30-minute episodes! Today’s first thirty power session is on the importance of Body Image, I think we definitely got plenty of impact in with this topic, listen in!
On This Episode You Will Hear:
- [spp-timestamp time=”00:30″] Introduction
- [spp-timestamp time=”08:45″] Comparing women’s body image goals vs the means body images.
- [spp-timestamp time=”10:00″] Shoutout to Coach Jimmy Hirsch aka JimJom on Instagram. His incorporation of yoga, mindset, meditation and more into his CrossFit training has been impressive!
- [spp-timestamp time=”17:40″] How this applies to the CrossFit space and other forms of fitness, strength training lifestyles.
- [spp-timestamp time=”20:10″] Prevent your brain from going to the thoughts around what we lack. Reframe around what you can do, what you ARE capable of. Stop focusing on the thought of, I Can’t Do This or I Can’t Do That.
- [spp-timestamp time=”27:00″] Talking current body types relating to the powerlifting and the Olympic Lifting spaces.
- [spp-timestamp time=”27:40″] Anybody that is challenging their body to get outside of its comfort zone… it’s just admirable.
- [spp-timestamp time=”31:20″] Final Words
Anybody that is challenging their body to get outside of its comfort zone… it’s just admirable. – Dr. Megan Cannon Ph.D.
[spp-tweet tweet=”Listen and learn about #Mindset #BodyImage #CrossFit #MURPH and more! @DrMeganCannon “]
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Links and Resources:
- Dr. Megan Cannon on Facebook
- Dr. Megan Cannon on Instagram
- Dr. Megan Cannon on Twitter
- Dr. Megan Cannon on Linked-In
People Mentioned:
Final Words:
- Focus on and give your body credit for what it CAN do.
- Be aware of the filters that are on, the messages that are being sent. Be a more educated consumer. Choose the messages that ultimately lead to those positive thoughts.
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