119: Self-Fulfillment Coach, THRIVE, Vegas Shooting Debrief with Stefano Ganddini

Self-Fulfillment in Life, Your Thriving Coach, and a Co-Host Debrief, After the Vegas Mass Shooting:
Stefano Ganddini is a Self-Fulfillment Coach, Speaker, Writer, and Lifestyle Entrepreneur. He helps people find & do the work they were BORN to do so that they can live authentic, fulfilling, and purpose-driven lives. We had the honor and pleasure of connecting up at the THRIVE 2017, Make Money Matter event in Las Vegas. Noting this was prior to the terrible, mass shooting tragedy that occurred the night of the closing of our event.
Dubbed a “black-belt life optimizer” by his alma mater (University of Southern California), Stefano started out in the personal development space by building a blog from scratch to nearly 1 million total page views. His work has reached hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world and he has personally coached dozens of people from all over the world.
He has been featured in and/or contributed to a number of publications, websites, podcasts and magazines including Business Insider, Lifehacker, USC Viterbi Magazine, Asian Efficiency, College Info Geek, and Life Skills That Matters, among many others.
On This Episode You Will Hear:
- [spp-timestamp time=”00:50″] Intro and meeting Stefano from the self-fulfillment movement!
- [spp-timestamp time=”58:20″] Final Words
[spp-tweet tweet=”You can do whatever it is you want to do! Achieve Self-Fulfillment! @StefanoGanddini “]
Links and Resources:
- StefanoGanddini.com
- Sefano Ganddini on Facebook
- Stefano Ganddini on LinkedIn
- Stefano Ganddini on Twitter
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Final Words:
What Stefano wants… is for people to know…
That you can do whatever it is you want to do! Whatever fears you have about other people, whatever other people think about them, whatever other people think about what they’re capable of doing or not, being afraid of failure, whatever the stories are…
If you have some desire to create something for yourself, if you have any sort of vision whatsoever, you don’t need it to be specific! Stefano can help you with it, other people can help you with that path. But if you feel you’re called to something greater and bigger than yourself, listen to that calling, there’s a reason why you feel that! It’s not just random!
Stefano believes that we are given any inspiration from something that is greater than us. To deny that, to get stuck in your head, to come up with all these excuses why you can’t… you are denying the reason you are put on this earth. You are denying your purpose and you are denying yourself from living a truly fulfilling, authentic, and purpose-driven life!
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- Be sure to check out our Resources and a reminder to “Keep Living The Fired Up Epic Life everyone!” #LIVETHEFUEL