007: Wearing the armor of injured veterans with Noah Galloway

It’s time to pay tribute to injured veterans. Good day everyone, and welcome to another episode of LIVETHEFUEL! If you are new to the show, we are here to FUEL Your Health, Business, and Lifestyle. Today’s co-host has been around the block a bit; we have with us an American soldier, veteran, a double amputee, a recipient of the Purple Heart Award, and a fellow fitness junkie. He inspired a nation as a contestant on Dancing With The Stars, team winner of the TV Show American Grit, a motivational speaker, the list is endless, and now he’s an author of his new book “Living With No Excuses.”. The injured veterans personal brand has grown to be a powerful one, and we love sharing it!
If you have been following him on social media of late, you would see he has been doing the rounds promoting his book on various TV shows, networks, visiting military bases and hospitals. Our co-host today is a part of our injured veterans himself, the man, the myth, the legend, Wearing the armor of injured veterans with Noah Galloway .
On the episode you will hear:
- [spp-timestamp time=”4:41″] Getting past the front desk
- [spp-timestamp time=”6:00″] Listening to audio books and hearing from the authors
- [spp-timestamp time=”9:48″] Rebuilding mentality and physically
- [spp-timestamp time=”11:28″] Being blown off the road, having a hole in his jaw then having it wired shut.
- [spp-timestamp time=”13:38″] Can’t drink Ensure shakes anymore
- [spp-timestamp time=”15:34″] Noah’s Dad, a fellow amputee experiences of pain med addiction
- [spp-timestamp time=”19:30″] Military training influences other divisions
- [spp-timestamp time=”22:15″] When it comes to fitness, Find someone who is at your level and workout with them
- [spp-timestamp time=”23:29″] Training Crossfit style and getting into kettle bells
- [spp-timestamp time=”24:34″] Dancing with the stars
- [spp-timestamp time=”25:53″] Building a powerful personal brand and working as a team on American Grit
- [spp-timestamp time=”29:36″] FUELED to work harder to be worthy of such attention
- [spp-timestamp time=”32:08″] Life balance and making his kids his priority
- [spp-timestamp time=”36:57″] Accomplishing goals, reading his own audio book and being vulnerable
- [spp-timestamp time=”41:53″] Inspiring other veterans
- [spp-timestamp time=”44:41″] Find and choose your priories and stick with them
[spp-tweet tweet=”Find and choose your priorities and stick with them – Noah Galloway on #LIVETHEFUEL EP 007 livethefuel.com/007″]
Links and Resources
- Noah on Facebook
- Noah on Instagram
- Noah on Twitter
- NoahGalloway.com
- Noah’s Wikipedia Page
- Living With No Excuses – Book
- Grab the Audio book
- American Grit TV Show
- Operation Enduring Warrior
People Mentioned
The Injured Veterans Final Words
Find and choose your priorities and stick with them. When you have those prioritized, don’t sway yourself way from them. Try not to get too eager to move quicker than you should. Don’t try to speed things up, stay true to who you are; people will respect that, and you will grow at the pace you need to go.