219: Creating Healthy Food Islands Part 2 with Erin Sparrold

219: Creating Healthy Food Islands Part 2 with Erin Sparrold

Helping You Understand Why To Create Healthy Food Islands:   Food Islands? Healthy or not so healthy, today we dig into ways for you to improve your healthy eating throughout the day. It doesn’t need to be a four course, gourmet meal to FUEL yourself.   Erin Sparrold, CN METS I, is a Sports Nutritionist with…

215: Erin Sparrold Part 1 – Daily vs Sports Periodized Nutrition

Podcast 215: Erin Sparrold Part 1 - Daily vs Sports Periodized Nutrition

Sports Periodized Nutrition vs Daily Nutrition:   Erin Sparrold, CN METS I, is a sports nutritionist with a passion for improving the nutritional health and performance of athletes. Erin’s focus lies in supporting her clients’ nutritional needs and their use of foods to help them build health while enhancing performance. She has over 20 years of nutrition…

159: Food Anxiety, Lists, and Life Balance with Single Mom Erin Sparrold

Food Anxiety Lists Life Balance Single Mom Erin Sparrold

Food Lists and Having Food Anxiety With Regular Co-Host, Sports Nutritionist Co-Host: Today’s co-host is a foodie Sports Nutritionist that lives as a single mom foodie. She brings a lot of value to our audience around nutrition and healthy lifestyle encouragement, with a specialization in sports. All of this happens so she can talk to…

086: AHA, Coconut Oil, & Fat with Erin Sparrold, CN, MET

086 AHA Coconut Oil Fat Erin Sparrold CN MET

Our Sports Nutritionist Co-Host Helps Address the AHA and Coconut Oil: With the AHA publishing incorrect health guidance on Coconut Oil and Saturate Fat, our regular co-host Erin Sparrold returns! She’s a Sports Nutritionist with Mind of the Athlete and knows her body fuel!     On This Episode You Will Hear:  [spp-timestamp time=”01:40″] Welcome…

065: Our False Healthy Halo with Erin Sparrold

065 A Fake Healthy Halo with Erin Sparrold

False Healthy Halo Co-Host Education: Today’s episode is a return of certified nutritionist, Erin Sparrold, CN, MET of Mind of the Athlete. Erin returns to catch up on health, nutrition, but most importantly to talk more on this “False Healthy Halo” we’ve been creating overtop of our health and nutritional goals. A reminder, Erin Sparrold…