Supporting Veterinarians with Valeo Mentis

The Podcast For Veterinarians, Equine, and Beyond: Welcome to a new and unique episode with podcast hosts John Ryan and Ryan Murphy, co-founders of a new podcast called Valeo Mentis. John Ryan, is a Senior Equine Specialist impacting large animal veterinarian needs with 19+ years of experience. Ryan Murphy brings us a background in finance…

Thanks from Helene Help in Western North Carolina

Unboxing Thank You’s From Weaverville Fire, North Carolina: Scott Mulvaney recounts his experience helping Hurricane Helene victims in North Carolina, highlighting his background as a wildland firefighter. He assisted Carrie, whose boyfriend Dustin, a firefighter, later sent him a thank-you package. The package included a Weaverville Fire Department hat, a hoodie, a book documenting the…

Hurricane Helene Chainsaw Relief & 75 Hard Challenge

Scott Serves North Carolina Hurricane Helene Victims with Chainsaw Relief & Chuck’s 75 Hard Mission for an Ironman: Chuck Wood returns to discuss his progress with his return to the 75 Hard Challenge, emphasizing its mental aspects. During the 2nd half of the show they dig into your host, Scott Mulvaney’s, excursion to North Carolina…

Men of Mindset 2

A Meaty Return For Manly Connection, Growth, and a Fine Meal of Brisket: We return to the man-zone barn with smoked brisket while bringing back together another amazing group of men for our 2nd edition of our MEN OF MINDSET gathering. An evening of growth-oriented MEN with a meaty dinner and male bonding. Quote: Coming…

Break Proof Resilience with Jenn Drummond

Quit Proof Strategies For Break Proof Resilience: Jenn Drummond is a Mom of 7, successful business owner and World Record holder. As the first woman to climb the second highest summits on each of the 7 continents, she now spends her time inspiring others to create a thriving business and lasting legacy of their own.…

Keep Pedaling with Inspired Speaker Westley Morris

Wes Inspires Through His Own Personal Story of Transformation. Keep Pedaling and Enjoy Life My Friends! Westley has one of the most inspirational stories you will ever hear. It is a story of hope, resilience, perseverance, determination, and commitment. Westley captures the hearts and minds of his audience with his energetic style of public speaking…

Binaural Beats & Meditation

Mental Hacks, Binaurel Beats and Musical Meditation For Success with Melody Clouds: With a strong desire to make a difference to the people around him, Wayne Altman has worn many hats during his 54 years of life on planet Earth. Born in California but raised in Texas, Wayne grew up knowing he wanted to serve…

Men of Mindset

Grilling Steaks and Bringing Epic MEN OF MINDSET Together For Ourselves and for you on this Special Podcast Episode: Your host, Scott Mulvaney brings together likeminded “Men of Mindset” for an evening of grilling steaks, male bonding, and this special podcast recording night out in his pole barn aka the man-zone aka the Fuel Up…

Leanness Lifestyle with David Greenwalt

The Freedom and Balance Of The Leanness Lifestyle: With us today is Certified Wellness Coach, fitness expert, and author David Greenwalt. A husband, father, former police officer, gym owner, competitive state-level body builder, and powerlifter, in 1997, at age 32 and a body weight of 235 pounds, David discovered an evidence-based approach for getting off…

Chuck Wood is Back from Europe

Talking Success As A Developer, Conference Design & Development, and Much More: Charles Max Wood is a coach and podcast host at Top End Devs. He’s building a system to help developers advance their careers by building their skills, personal brands, and networks. He’s been podcasting about programming since 2008. He lives in Utah with…

Identity Theft For My 400th Podcast!

Protect Yourselves, Enable In-Person Security Passwords Against Identity Theft: That’s right, this is a solo podcast with your host and founder, Scott W. Mulvaney of LIVETHEFUEL. This is my own story of Identity Theft aka Identity Hijacking from December 6, 2022.   “Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year.” ~Dwight…

I Am The One and Cancer Advocacy

Learn To Advocate For Yourself with “I Am The One” Author, Viki Zarkin: Viki Zarkin is the only person alive with this aggressive form of Stage 4 metastatic cancer for over 11 years. She was diagnosed in her 40’s when her doctor first told her to go home and get her affairs in order. At…

A Survivor’s Method To Risk-Taking Through Radical Change

Burned Bridges Lead To Better Roads: Shari Sanahi is the author of the book, “Burned Bridges Leads To Better Roads: A Survivor’s Method To Risk-Taking Through Radical Change.” Shari is a first-generation Guyanese-American author born in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and currently resides in Los Angeles, California. She has spent most of her life teaching…

Prep and Defend with Firefighter Chris Ruano

Hotshot Life, Fire Fitness, Injury Comebacks, and more: Chris Ruano currently serves on and leads teams in the Wildland and Municipal Fire-Service in Southern California. Having served as a Forest Service Hotshot and more recently, as a leader on Wildland and Municipal fire crews; “Roo” is especially passionate about fitness leadership and training methods. He…

2022 Kickoff with your Host, Scott Mulvaney

New Year Kickoff, No Less Work, and More New Beginnings for 2022: Founder of the Lifestyle Brand and podcast LIVETHEFUEL, Scott W. Mulvaney escaped corporate life to serve as a USFS Hotshot Wildland Firefighter. Now a marketing entrepreneur, podcaster, and author; he channels his health nut, adrenaline junkie energy into everything he influences. Quote: Live…

Hotshot Book Launch with Hilary Jastram

Enjoy This August 2021 Book Launch Throwback Episode: I took a big break during 2021 to ensure we could finish launching my first book, “So You Want To Be A Hotshot” and well, we did it! This podcast episode was originally a Facebook LIVE video on my personal feed there during our book launch day.…

Stop Living Out of Reaction with Love Strategist PJ Dixon Returns

Catching up with Love Strategist and Speaker, P.J. Dixon: Imagine how alive you’ll feel when you remove obstacles separating you from a life you truly love! P.J. Dixon and I originally connected through the THRIVE Make Money Matter event founded by Cole Hatter and PJ is an amazing Professional Speaker & Transformation Coach. Quote: “Think…

Victimization, Entitlement, PTSD, & Our Prisons with Tip of the Spear author, Ryan Hendrickson

Ryan and scott dig deep into some hot topics around victimization, entitlement, ptsd, and his book, tip of the spear: The inspiring true story of a US Special Forces soldier who was medically retired after stepping on an IED, and his incredible return to active duty and combat. Sergeant First Class (SFC) Ryan Hendrickson is…

Human Robotics and the ihmc QUIX Exoskeleton with Mark Daniel

Wheelchair Life to the Exoskeleton, Human Robotics Lifestyle: I began my exoskeleton pilot certification in 2007 at the age of 18. In 2010, I was introduced to the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) where a team of engineers and computer scientists had developed MINA, their first paraplegic mobility device or exoskeleton. Over…

Healthy Relationships, Porn Addiction, Fail Forward

Creating Amazing, Enviable, and Healthy Relationships, Breaking Porn Addiction, and More with Relationship Coach Roman Mironov: Roman Mironov is a relationship coach in Toronto, Canada. He helps people create amazing and enviable relationships. He has been into self-improvement for over a decade and brings his best ideas and tools to people he works with. Roman…