Target Funding Launch with Kedma Ough

Target Funding Book Launch:
Kedma Ough, MBA is one of today’s most respected authorities on business funding and entrepreneurship and is a nationally recognized business coach and Small Business Administration award-winning “Small Business Champion” that has coached more than 10,000 entrepreneurs through a wide range of business advising. In her best selling book Target Funding through McGraw Hill, Ough teaches the readers how to target grants, funds, and resources even if you have exhausted all avenues.
Ough is a proud fifth-generation entrepreneur and her great-great-grandfather peddled various products throughout Ireland.
Today’s Resource Links from the Podcast:
Timestamped Show Notes:
00:30: Introduction
07:37: My ROI to this day really has been strong. So a lot of my early work was through the centers, but I want to call a caveat here. It’s still very stringent to go through the job application process. You can’t just write show up. My business is still in place since 2001, exclusively representing people with disabilities.
14:55: I love the home services industry so much because it’s so recession-proof. Because if we think about the idea that, let’s suppose we’re in a recession and your toilet bowl goes out, something goes up, you’re not going to say, you know, let’s put off waiting for the plumber for six weeks, you know?
18:00: I would say that your choice for having an education is just a tool in your toolbox. The question is what’s your return on investment? I work with people today who tell me their MBA cost them $80,000. Okay, how long will it take for them to repay it? My total cost for my undergrad?
23:00: I was forced into this horrible situation and I remember having to make the decision to file bankruptcy. I was sitting on a curb, right outside the bankruptcy court sobbing my eyes out. I was wrapping up my masters and I’m thinking, what do I do next? I remember going back to my apartment and over the next two weeks, it was a foggy thing. Here’s what happened. I received an envelope from Capital One.
25:30: Book editing was grueling. But you know once you make a journey to commit to a goal like a book, it is like giving birth without any kind of medicine and you just have to go for it.
30:00: I called about three weeks ago after my book launch. It took me 30 years to call them, 30 years! There’s more to that. If you read my journey, everybody has a story. I just grew up in a very difficult home environment. I was 18 going on 19, I was attending Community College, SUNY Farmingdale, and it was evening class, wintertime, and I got a 911 page from my therapist. Judy never pages me and I remember picking up my books running out of the classroom. Back then we had payphones.
39:00: Here’s the thing I want people to know. I want people to listen to this. If you listen to anything that I say, listen to this seriously. I want you to think about the lowest moments in your life and if you haven’t had them, congratulations. For the rest of us, I want you to think about those moments. Then I want you to look in your mind’s eye, and remember who was there. Those are the people that matter, not when you’re wealthy, not when you’ve made it. The reason I dedicated my entire book to SUNY Farmingdale is that they believed in me before I believed in myself.
50:50: Final Words
Our Final Words of the Show:
Every action you have is premeditated because it had to happen at a thought level. Every thought, I mean, even if it’s seconds, it’s seconds in your thoughts. So if you want to change the view of your movie, just be mindful of your thoughts and who you’re surrounding yourself with. I know that sounds cliché.
I think it really brings it down to what do you want to show up seeing every day? What responsibility do you have in making sure that you show up with the right intentions and the right actions?
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