Scooch Back, Improve Your Eyesight, and End Myopia

Nearsightedness is increasing as a real problem with technology and our vision today:
Jake Steiner (SHTY-nuh) is a passionate advocate for eye health with a unique perspective? that we can reverse myopia (AKA nearsightedness) naturally. After a billions-of-dollars revolution a decade of research, Jake compiled enough peer-reviewed academic data to back his hypothesis that we’ve been looking at myopia all wrong, that the 100-billion-dollar-per-year retail optometry industry is little more than a cash cow, that our eyes are not broken, and that myopia is reversible. He’s here to share his journey from a -5 diopter prescription to perfect 20/20 vision, as well as simple tips to help you naturally regain your perfect vision.
Quote: As long as it’s not indifference. Indifference is myopia.
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Timestamped Show Notes:
00:30 – Introduction
10:00 – I was in the German national championships, I loved swimming, and my region was getting worse to the point where it was really really difficult to go swimming competitions because I just couldn’t see anything. Right And back then like the goggles with the built-in correction weren’t really popular at all also played water polo and that got killed because the ball just slowly kept turning into this yellow.
20:00 – It’s absolutely known that the wearing of glasses causes increasingly diminished eyesight. But if you go to an optometrist and you say, hey, what’s causing my site to be bad? None of them will tell you this.
30:00 – I can’t stand when I see people at a family dinner and then you see the kids bring it with them to the dinner table. Then they get yelled at, well what do you expect? You trained them to depend on the iPad or that technology.
40:00 – If there was a little bit more awareness because my only goal is to say, if you go to the optometrist, you realize you’re making a choice. Like you’re going to McDonald’s, you’re making a choice.
56:20 – Final Words
Our Final Words of the Show:
Without realizing it at the time or without even being aware of it until somewhat recently, this pursuit of improving my eyesight is changing my life subtly, but kind of dramatically in the long term. Last month we spent time kite surfing in Vietnam. That’s something I would have never thought that I’d be doing. Because over the years with glasses, I started believing that I’m clumsy and that I’m not really that athletic. This was a fear I developed, a kind of a fear of things and excuses. I lived in Nepal for a while paragliding too. Now I’m really into kite surfing and I’m enjoying aspects of like a physical connection to life, that for so many years I didn’t have. It is all because I was in this long term pursuit of challenging my sight. It sounds silly because it was a nerdy thing. I wasn’t trying to have a more interesting life. I was just like, I need to do things that challenge my sight, which led me to do these crazy things that now as I’m looking at it are really a defining part of my life. I’m doing awesome stuff because I’m enjoying my sight.
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