Healthcare or Universal Death Care and PTSD

Are We Getting Univeral Healthcare or Death Care?!
As a Marine Corps Special Forces Combat doc fighting to save lives while dealing with mass casualty events and incoming rockets, to owning a busy medical clinic in the USA fighting to provide quality medical care while dealing with ill-advised government regulations, excessive profit driven policies by insurance companies, and price gouging by “big pharma,” Dr. Anderson has unique insight into what healthcare has become and what that costs each of us as patients.
Quote: “of the people, by the people, for the people.” Abraham Lincoln
Master of Christian Studies Regent College, 1996-1998. Vancouver, BC
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, 1998-2002. Kirksville, MO
Undersea/Diving Medical Officer, UMO/DMO Naval Undersea Medical Institute, 2004. Groton, CT, Panama City, FL
Master of Public Health School of Health Management, ATSU, 2005-2006. Kirksville, MO
Fellow of the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology
Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology
Fellow Member of the American Society of Mohs Surgeons
Certificate of Added Qualification for Mohs Surgery, American Osteopathic Board of Dermatology
President of the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology 2020-2021
Top 3 Hot Point Takeaways:
- US Health Care is failing
- Universal Death Care
- Serving as a Doctor in Iraq
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Timestamped Show Notes:
00:30 – Introduction
10:00 – Let’s talk about the most shameful moment in my life in Fallujah. When I turn my back on someone who needed my care and in trauma or something And tie all of that into American healthcare so that hopefully use them as parables if you will. Hopefully, we can start to understand the quagmire we’re in especially now with this Coronavirus. I mean the best thing that you can do to protect yourself from the Coronavirus, maybe wash your hands and not be in the same room as someone. Next. Yeah. But after that, the best thing you can do is to be healthy, to have the right body mass index to not be overweight to eat. Well. Do you know last year they came out with a study that if you consumed more than four ultra-processed foods a day now that’s your chips, your hot dogs, your sports drinks, your chocolates, your candies, frozen pizzas, those sorts of things? You had a 62% increased chance or increased hazard for all causes of death 62% and for every one ultra-processed food you added on top of that there was an extra 18 percent.
14:30 – Between 50 and 85% of all healthcare costs in this country are spent on treating enormously preventable diseases. 50 to 85% of people say there’s no money for universal health care in this country and they’re 100% right with how things are with the fattest country in the world. We waste money on things that you and I were not a doctor and I didn’t have the knowledge I had, if I went back in time, these are things I can handle. Most hate to admit that it’s based on nutrition, just how I’m fueling my body, day in and day out could affect so much.
19:20 – Physicians actually get paid less money if we do not prescribe a drug. We are incentivized to do so, so big pharma has bought the laws that say, hey, I can talk to you about peas and carrots, or maybe more carrots because they’re more keto-friendly than I think a pea. But I’ll talk to you more about what we should say, i.e. kale and carrots. Then if I were to write you medication for your blood pressure control, so the whole system I mean, if you look at the amount of money that’s been spent on lobbyists for quote-unquote healthcare over the years it’s astonishing. The cycle just keeps perpetuating and American culture, this entitlement culture of I can do whatever I want, I can smoke, I can drink, I can be 200 pounds overweight, and its somebody else’s job to pay for it to make me healthy, and it’s someone else’s job to give me the right pill to make me help. That’s not how it should work. It’s about a lifestyle choice. It’s about getting up in the morning and purposefully planning your day not just from a food perspective, not just from an exercise perspective, but also for how you’re going to take care of your brain because that feeds the whole machine.
25:00 – Listen, man, I have PTSD from Iraq and every single month I get up and I exercise, then I focus on how my day is going to go. I say, if this happens, this will happen, so it’s a ritual now if you want to call it meditation if you want to call it prayer, whatever works for you, but I structure my day in that PTSD. Those really horrible stories, a lot of which I write in the book that I can remember, they are now some of the biggest strengths that I have. Because of my exercise, my diet, my mindset, my focus, my meditation, prayer, whatever you want to call it, that makes it better. I designed my life, I designed my lifestyle, so all of these quote-unquote bad things in life. They’re not weighing me down. I don’t need a pill. I can do it myself. I can reprogram my brain. I can reprogram these experiences.
30:00 – For a doctor to admit that he has a mental illness diagnosis like PTSD, the medical board could do whatever they want with me. Like forcing psychiatric evaluations or and they can do whatever they want. When we’re trying to get our medical license in different states, they always ask about mental illness when we are re-credentialing at hospitals. We have to send it to our friends or colleagues and ask, do you know of any mental illness problem? It doesn’t matter if you went through a divorce, or something horrible happened in your family, you have to self-report on your fellow physician.
40:00 – Baby boomers, they have about an eight to ten percent mortality rate when they contact this Coronavirus COVID-19. Yeah, 8 to 10% of people who don’t smoke, who are their peers, are at the right weight and all those sorts of things, are a little bit less than 2%.
49:00 – Every year the cost of medical care far outpaces inflation. I mean, if you look at 1960 healthcare costs, they were about 5% of the gross domestic product. So about 5% of GDP and $27.2 billion is about that. It’s about $146 per person. 2017, the numbers are 17.9% GDP or 3.5 trillion dollars and that is approximately $10,739 per person.
56:10 – All right, so this is interesting and it’s crazy. Doctors love statistics, so did you know that 5% of our populace consumes 50% of the dollars. Now the healthiest 50% consumed only 3% of all healthcare dollars out there.
01:02:00 – Final Words
Our Final Words of the Show:
I’m here and trying to free people on how to lose weight and how to do these things. All you have to do is say I’m worth it. My loved ones are worth it, my country and my planet are all worth it. You just have to shift your mindset. Control your subconscious like me with PTSD. I could be a guy, a bum on the street asking for money right now, I could have every excuse in the world for that. Instead, I’m controlling it and I’m working towards it every day. You can too, I don’t care what your mental illnesses could be. I don’t care what your past is. Your future is what you create of it. Listen to these podcasts. Have an intention for your life, build the life of your dreams, and then help others accomplish it for them.
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