Fear, Trust, Author Life, and Book Editing Vulnerability

Author Life and Book Editing Vulnerability:
My Name Is Hilary & I Write Innovative. Concise. Seductive Copy. I love what I do, the people I work with, but I love my clients most of all. There is NOTHING like becoming a part of the story of a first-time author. Every day, I wake up with gratitude in my heart and a desire to help writers. I am well-versed in marketing strategies with experience spanning multiple industries, I’ll create relevant content in any media designed to draw leads and generate solid returns. For over 15 years, I have devised innovative campaign strategies and created concisely, targeted multimedia copy that consistently delivers! I will get you published. I know what gets read and why it gets read. I will teach you my expertise to get you published and put you well on your way to establishing a real writing career. What you have been dreaming of is possible!
Quote: “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” ~ Carl Jung
What SickBiz Is About: Sick Biz is an organization dedicated to providing support, resources, hacks, and hope to entrepreneurs affected by chronic illness, pain, disability, and sickness. It is our goal to remain in close alignment with our mission and we pledge to share resources to help you reach success, stories of sick and disabled entrepreneurs, and business hacks to help you grow and adapt to the challenge of running a business especially as an entrepreneur with special circumstances. Check out our blogs for further engaging and entertaining ideas on running your business as a sick and/or disabled entrepreneur.
Top 3 Hot Point Takeaways:
- Fear is life, embrace it.
- Author life isn’t easy.
- Vulnerability breeds strength.
Today’s Resource Links from the Podcast:
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Timestamped Show Notes:
00:30 – Introduction
10:00 – Up or down, just go straight in and then if you have leg injuries or nervous system issues it’s like, as soon as you walk in your house, you have to worry.
20:30 – We have friends that listen to the show and that’s pretty fucking cool. She’s got a valid point though, she’s like, I already hear you in our home. You know, why do I need to listen to your show? I was like, it’s not about me. It’s about my great guest cohost like you Hilary. Then she’s like, well, when you make it to Joe Rogan’s level, I’ll think about it.
30:00 – Just let me be sick and feel guilty and do whatever. He’s been amazing because we were going to Dallas one time, by the time we got to the airport, I was like, well, we’re not going today. So he was like, well, can I can get a Starbucks before we go home. I’m fine to do that. So he has been an absolute dream and you just have to adapt in life.
40:00 – I had to spend the next three months diving into shit, I took all my self-help professional development energies, and then bought all these online programs. Programs like, how to text your ex back and dumb shit like that. I’m not kidding.
50:00 – You have to have a work ethic, you know, you have to have an attitude about being coachable. We have to have an alignment.
60:00 – Three words I live by, if you remember from just skimming through the book, there was a hotshot creed that I learned. The three words, duty, respect, and integrity. They meant so so much to me that I tattooed them on my body.
01:10:05 – He is like the acts of service category. That’s what he is, acts of service love from the five love languages.
01:39:00 – Final Words
Our Final Words of the Show:
So the meme that I was put, it was like a video really. So you want to be an entrepreneur or somebody said, I’m thinking about being an entrepreneur, and somebody else said it’s gonna be like this. It showed this guy on an obstacle course, he’s running across parallel bars, and he’s walking on giant yoga balls. He’s doing all of these crazy things like that show American Ninja Warrior.
You are gonna get whacked off the podium and fly into a big vat of pudding. What it’s like to be an entrepreneur, well, it’s not that delicious at times. So you just have to get used to that idea. I’m going to continually be showing up to this obstacle course every day. I don’t know what it’s going to be and there has to be the thrill behind it. This ties into a good legacy message too and we talked about this kind of earlier too. Do you want to be a cautionary tale? Do you want to leave a legacy?
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