285: UnFuck Your Business

A Business Podcast to show you how to UnFuck Your Business:
Tomas Keenan is best known for his humble beginnings and lengthy career as a custom car audio installer. He is the epitome of a technician turned CEO. Tomas is the co-founder of Top Class Installations, an industry-leading GPS Tracking, and Dashboard Camera installation provider. He and his team are on a mission to complete 1 Million installs by 2025.
After gaining massive success in running and operating his mobile installation company, Tomas decided to teach people from other industries how to create their own success by building their own service-based GPS installation businesses. Tomas’ transparent communication style has helped over 500 telematics industry colleagues succeed in business.
His expertise and vast experience have put him on the pages of the top industry magazines time and time again. He has been featured in Mobile Electronics Magazine, CE Outlook, CEO Blog Nation, Fit Small Business, The Startup Growth, and several Blogs in addition to countless podcasts.
He states the key to his success is making progress every day regardless of how small it may be.
Quote: Take small steps forward daily, when you look back 3 years from now you’ll have traveled far.
Tomas was born and raised in New York. He’s a devoted husband and proud father of three amazing kids, including a pair of twins. Outside the office, Tomas enjoys bow hunting, playing with technology, sharing new experiences with his children, and stretching his comfort zone. He and his family live on Long Island.
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On This Episode You Will Hear:
- [spp-timestamp time=”00:30″] Introduction
- [spp-timestamp time=”11:10″] I was a senior in high school and I was never a good student. Just me and school just never got along. I didn’t like that format for learning. I thought, whatever it is, let’s just get this over with and so I can move on and start working. It’s kinda how I felt about it.
- [spp-timestamp time=”22:00″] There are certain roles, certain jobs within the infrastructure of the economy, that you need to be extremely educated for.
- [spp-timestamp time=”32:00″] Most of these companies aren’t using something as tied into the database network, they’re only on the more advanced systems. So the most basic GPS system is going to literally just be a three wire connection to the vehicle, so that you get a hard wire, a battery connection, a chassis ground, and an ignition connection. So basically, the unit is going to know when a key is on and off.
- [spp-timestamp time=”40:00″] I’ll give you some more of the story. So at 21 years of age I worked a couple years for a highend audio shop on the island, did some real fancy stuff. I was the cocky 21 year old who knew more than my boss. He wasn’t allowing me to do the kind of work that I knew I could do. I quit with $300 cash in my pocket and I went and started my own business. I’ve done that. So 21 years old, 300 bucks to my name, and I just made it happen.
- [spp-timestamp time=”58:14″] Final Words
Final Words:
There’s a couple of key areas of life that you need to focus on every day, in order to be successful. I don’t believe in necessarily a balanced lifestyle or work-life balance. When you’re focusing on that book, other areas of your life are going to suffer because you’re just so focused on that.
But at the same point in time, you can’t neglect those other areas for too long. That’s one of the things that I did with my very first business. I neglected my health and I worked 90-100 hour weeks, on my feet all day long. I wound up getting tremendously overweight. I’m six foot four, I’m currently 275 pounds. At the close of that business, I was I think just under 300 pounds.
I’m thrilled for 275 but I’m in the gym six days a week, doing my thing. What I’m saying is you have to focus on yourself. I think you have to prioritize yourself before the business, as ass-backward as that may sound to some people.
- https://amzn.to/2xUge5i – UnFuck Your Business on Amazon
- https://tomaskeenan.com
- https://topclassinstallations.com
- https://www.facebook.com/tom.keenan.988
- https://www.facebook.com/tomaskeenan.tci
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomas-keenan
- https://clyxo.com/tkeenan
- https://www.instagram.com/tomas_keenan
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