262: Our HELIYES Heliskiing Wedding Adventures

Our Skiing Themed Wedding of Heliskiing, Backcountry Cat-Skiing, and more in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada:
This is a quick and short, special podcast episode to reflect on our return from our #HELIYES heliskiing wedding. That’s right, I actually got married! Dr. Kristen Fenstermacher VMD of All Points Equine and I, Scott Mulvaney of LIVETHEFUEL said “I DO” the only way we know how… on an adventure skiing in the Canadian Rockies baby!!!
Live The Fired Up Epic Life! – Quoted: Scott Mulvaney
Top 3 Hot Points:
- Our ski wedding hashtag is #HELIYES
- We highly recommend backcountry skiing!
- RK Heliski and Great Northern Snowcat Skiing are epic!
[spp-tweet tweet=”We are #Married listen in for a fun overview of our #HELIYES skiing themed #wedding Reminder, you too can LIVETHEFUEL! @livethefuel @scottwmulvaney “]
Our #HELIYES Album on Facebook:
Final Words:
I’ve been ripping the lid off here this year, we’ve got my first book coming out soon, a little story of some of the lessons I learned from the Hotshot Wildland Firefighting world. So that’ll be coming out when I can get it there. I’m still finishing editing on that, so that’s taken longer than I expected.
- Follow Scott’s personal Instagram @scottwmulvaney
- Friend & Follow Scott’s personal Facebook @scott.w.mulvaney
- RK Heliski in Panorama British Columbia
- Great Northern Snowcat-Skiing British Columbia
- ManlyBands.com
On This Episode You Will Hear:
- [spp-timestamp time=”00:30″] Introduction
- [spp-timestamp time=”04:00″] We’re not all hardcore skiers, it’s all about that deep, fluffy, amazingly powdery snow. That was the theme of our wedding, it was hey guys, let’s go have an adventure. Let’s do some heliskiing. Let’s rock out and have a good time.
- [spp-timestamp time=”09:30″] We rocked out some serious old school and amazing onesie ski suits. Mine was three different shades of purple and blue. I’m quite proud of it and I’m not getting rid of it. I spent $150US on eBay for that bad boy and it is in mint condition.
- [spp-timestamp time=”10:45″] So we went skiing for a couple of days after heliski and then we had a Snowcat skiing trip booked, which was awesome! Normally they’re actually using them to groom the ski slopes or open up remote mountain roads, but they actually mount big metal boxes on the back of them and so you can carry people. So instead of flying you into the backcountry like we did the first week. We had them drive us up into the backcountry in and around where they were based in a remote part of British Columbia.
- [spp-timestamp time=”15:30″] Luckily my lung and rib muscles held up and I was able to do a lot of crazy stuff. I was not at my full physical fitness level but still pulled everything off that I could. Now that I’m back, it’s time to do some riding because I got some training ahead. Come this July I’ll be doing my first 100-mile mountain biking race of all things, the Wilderness 101 aka W101.
- [spp-timestamp time=”17:00″] The wedding ring I bout is a black zirconium, wrapped in elk antler bone, inlayed with a ring of brown teak wood. I got this from manlybands.com
- [spp-timestamp time=”18:00″] Final Words
Action Steps:
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