207: Ultra Salt and Pure Vitamins in the UK and Europe with Andy Schreiber

Pure Vitamin Club is finally launching overseas to the UK and Europe:
Welcome back to our show for a repeat guest co-host, Andy Schreiber of Pure Vitamins Club and Pure Coffee Club. Andy has talked on a past episode about their Pure Vitamins coming to the UK and eventually Europe. Well now it’s finally happening, it just takes the right bank partner? We also dig into their recent success with their new electrolyte supplement called Ultra Salt, yes I’m a consumer of this too.
I have been a longtime listener and supporter of the Fitness Confidential Podcast hosted by Vinnie Tortorich and you’ll find Andy on every Wednesday podcast release there as well. As well as the co-host of the successful Fitness Confidential podcast, he is a former employee of Playboy, a film industry professional, dog lover, and now co-founder of Pure Vitamin Club.
Some quick background on PVC, unfortunately, most vitamin companies take the kitchen sink approach to making a vitamin. They throw in everything, along with fillers like sugar, grains, preservatives, and even silica. You know what silica is? Sand! Yeah, that’s right, sand. You know what they say to that? LEAVE THE SAND AT THE BEACH!
Andy’s Past Podcast Appearances:
- 024: Pure Vitamin Club with Andy Schreiber
- 057: Pure Vitamin Club Launches B12 Over The Pond
- 084: PVC’s B-12 Launch & Olive Oil Vitamins with Andy Schreiber
- 134: All Natural Energy with Pure Coffee Club Andy Schreiber
On This Episode You Will Hear:
- [spp-timestamp time=”00:30″] Introduction
- [spp-timestamp time=”09:30″] Raving racers who received the Ultra Salt supplement for the race Andy and Vinnie sponsored.
- [spp-timestamp time=”21:00″] Vegetable capsules, gelatin capsules, how their vitamins are made and which ones are Vegan-Friendly.
- [spp-timestamp time=”30:15″] Finding the Triodos Bank for their UK and Europe business overseas and how they care about how your company is benefitting society. They prefer companies that have a socially conscious mission.
- [spp-timestamp time=”31:15″] Payment gateways.
- [spp-timestamp time=”49:20″] Finding Redmond Real Salt, how they mine their salt, it’s mineral richness. If you’re buying white salt from other sources, it’s been bleached after they evaporate it from salt water.
- [spp-timestamp time=”59:23″] Final Words
Be an informed consumer. – Andy Schreiber
[spp-tweet tweet=”Know what you are putting in your body. Do your research. Be an informed consumer! @PureVitaminClub @AndySchrei “]
Watch On YouTube:
Links and Resources:
- Pure Vitamin Club
- Pure Vitamin Club on Facebook
- Pure Vitamin Club on Twitter
- Andy Schreiber on Twitter
- Andrew Schreiber on LinkedIn
- The Fitness Confidential Podcast
People Mentioned:
Final Words:
Always, always, always, read the entire ingredient list. Not just the grid-side of the label, be sure to read the “Other Ingredients” section. Do your homework, read up on online forums, know what you’re putting into your bodies.
Do your research. Be an informed consumer.
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