159: Food Anxiety, Lists, and Life Balance with Single Mom Erin Sparrold

Food Anxiety Lists Life Balance Single Mom Erin Sparrold

Food Lists and Having Food Anxiety With Regular Co-Host, Sports Nutritionist Co-Host:

Today’s co-host is a foodie Sports Nutritionist that lives as a single mom foodie. She brings a lot of value to our audience around nutrition and healthy lifestyle encouragement, with a specialization in sports. All of this happens so she can talk to us today about food lists, food anxiety and much more!

Erin’s curiosity into the science of nutrition began when she was a student-athlete. While competing as one of the top swimmers in her conference, she credits her success to following her coaches’ recommendations for different nutritional strategies for training and competition cycles. Her success in swimming continued into master’s swim competitions and now into Ragnar Races, Spartan Races, and Tough Mudders. When it comes to testing out her sports nutrition wisdom, Erin literally puts into practice what she preaches to the athletes she serves today.

On This Episode You Will Hear:

  • [spp-timestamp time=”00:30″] Introduction
  • [spp-timestamp time=”40:00″] Final Words


[spp-tweet tweet=”Create single mom success and healthy food lists with @ErinSparrold “]

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Final Words:


Action Steps:

About the author, Scott

Host of the LIVETHEFUEL Podcast | Public Speaker | Sales & Marketing Professional | Coach | Traveler | Consultant | Health Educator | Former Firefighter