156: The Lion Attitude Morning Mantra, Branding Passion, with Strive & Grind, Kevin Stimpson

Welcome Your Strive & Grind Branding Co-Host Bringing Us The Lion Attitude Morning Mantra, Kevin Stimpson:
Our co-host today is an entrepreneur, sought-after international speaker, and branding expert. He’s the CEO of Strive & Grind, an international branding and creative boutique that helps entrepreneurs and service-based businesses create memorable, disruptive, and badass premium brands. Due to his limitless energy and branding expertise, you can find him frequently speaking at exclusive masterminds or big stages amongst today’s thought leaders, and being featured in the press, such as the Huffington Post.
On This Episode You Will Hear:
- [spp-timestamp time=”00:30″] Introduction
- [spp-timestamp time=”01:40″] Connecting on the power of networking from THRIVE Make Money Matter and Cole Hatter.
- [spp-timestamp time=”05:45″] Kevin and Scott discuss Paralysis by Analysis.
- [spp-timestamp time=”13:00″] Connecting on fired up branding and our mutual THRIVE network, firefighter connection, Rich Brocchini.
- [spp-timestamp time=”20:00″] Getting into Personal Development as a method for success.
- [spp-timestamp time=”25:40″] Kevin unveils his Morning Mantra, an audio he listens to daily, The Lion Attitude, Heart of a Lion.
- [spp-timestamp time=”38:50″] Lack of connection and going deeper.
- [spp-timestamp time=”48:30″] Venting about squeeze pages, landing pages, inappropriate online marketing.
- [spp-timestamp time=”01:50:00″] Final Words
Do the complete opposite of everyone else. – Kevin Stimpson
[spp-tweet tweet=”@StrivenGrind, get passionate about your branding and Lions Attitude! #branding #podcasting @KevinStimpson “]
Links and Resources:
- StriveNGrind.com
- KevinStimpson.com
- Kevin Stimpson on Instagram
- Kevin Stimpson on Facebook
- AttendThrive.com
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Final Words:
Let’s bring it back to what the whole message of Strive & Grind is all about…
Since are alive with all of these beautiful things in the world, that we all should be able to experience it. We should all be able to experience the finer things in life…
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