133: Unwrapping Your Ageless Passions with Karen Putz

Unwrapping Karen’s Ageless Passions Story and How She Found Her Passion Again:
On my 44th birthday, I had a low moment. I looked back on my life and thought about the moments of joy. Barefoot water skiing was one of those moments and I just wanted to try experiencing that feeling once more. I tried barefooting the day before and could not even get my feet on the water. So that day, I resigned myself to the belief that it was all over–I’d never be able to experience that passion again. I was filled with regret. Why hadn’t I pursued my passion back when I had the youthful body and energy?
That same year, an unexpected mentor popped into my life via the TODAY show–a 66-year-old barefooter. Judy Myers invited me to Florida, where I met Keith St. Onge, the 2-time World Barefoot Champion. Not only did I barefoot again, I ended up competing for the first time at 45 and wrote a book with the champion— which was endorsed by Tom Ziglar (son of Zig Ziglar), Dan Miller, and Dave Ramsey.
I have trained with the top barefoot water skiers IN THE WORLD. At the age of 50, I can barefoot backward on one foot with my hands in the air. I don’t say this to brag–I share this because as a teenager, I couldn’t even fathom being able to do such advanced tricks on the water.
I love to see others living their passions and enjoying life. As a Passion Test Facilitator, I love teaching the simple steps to “Unwrapping YOUR passion”.
Don’t wait for permission. Don’t wait for perfect. The key is to take action. Act on your dreams. Act on your vision. Let’s work on that, together.
On This Episode You Will Hear:
- [spp-timestamp time=”00:30″] Introduction to our Ageless Passions
- [spp-timestamp time=”11:30″] Karen’s examples of when she has had to pivot in life, in order to succeed.
- [spp-timestamp time=”27:10″] It is always hard to leave a comfort zone
- [spp-timestamp time=”35:00″] You don’t have to be a master to write a book.
- [spp-timestamp time=”55:00″] Final Words
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Links and Resources:
- AgelessPassions.com
- Karen Putz on Facebook
- Karen Putz on Twitter
- Karen Putz on Instagram
- Karen Putz on LinkedIn
- Unwrapping Your Passions Book
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Final Words:
Wherever you are in life, understand that you have the personal power to DO, BE, and HAVE, whatever you want in your life. This will start to happen the minute you get clear on that, the minute you start inviting passion to be apart of that process.
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