100: Our 100th Episode and Killington Downhill Mountain Biking

Downhill Mountain Biking & Our 100th Podcast Episode in Killington, Vermont:
I decided to record my 100th episode while on vacation here in Killington, VT! We are up here for an epic bachelor party event with my good friend Jared. The bonus, is we are ripping some epic downhill mountain biking trails along with some sweet high country for Golf, and more!
This trip was officially an epic trip for the guys to celebrate Jared’s bachelor transition. We’ve officially ridden some of the most epic trails in Vermont! Everyone made it out this week minimal injury. As this airs Friday, August 11th, we’ll be leaving Vermont to head down to Massachusettes to visit Thunder Mountain for more riding as we travel back to Pennsylvania as well. Thunder’s downhill park is located at the Berkshire Mountain Resort. It’s all about life balance my friends. So we figured why not break up the trip home with the best ranked downhill mountain biking in the Northeast USA!
On This Episode You Will Hear:
- [spp-timestamp time=”01:00″] 100th Episode Recording after midnight.
- [spp-timestamp time=”15:50″] Final Words
[spp-tweet tweet=”100th Episode Recorded in Killington, Vermont! @LIVETHEFUEL “]
Links and Resources:
- Killington Resort
- Killington Grand Resort Hotel
- Killington Downhill Mountain Biking
- Killington Golf Resort
- Thunder Mountain Bike Park
People Mentioned:
- Scott W. Mulvaney (Your Host!)
Final Words:
Thank you for listening and supporting LIVETHEFUEL! Keep Living The Fired Up Epic Life!
Action Steps:
- Please Submit an iTunes Show Rating & Review, we need more reviews to increase our ranking and appearance. We love 5 Stars!
- Join THE FUEL TANK our community on Facebook! – “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” ~ Quote by Jim Rohn
- Be sure to check out our Resources and a reminder to “Keep Living The Fired Up Epic Life everyone!” #livethefuel