048: Paying Yourself Profit First with Mike Michalowicz

048- Paying Yourself Profit First with Michael Michalowicz on LIVETHEFUEL

Profit First Accounting and Paying Yourself: This episode is about stepping out of your comfort zone and flipping your finances and accounting on its head. In business we have been following the same formula for generations, Sales-Expenses=Profit. This means profit comes last, which ultimately means you come last. It is time to flip that formula…

037: 2017 Money Resolutions with Whitney Hansen

037-_2017_money resolutions with_whitney_hansen_on_livethefuel

Resolutions, Money and your first 2017 CoHost: Do you set New Years Resolutions? To get 2017 cranking we are bringing on our first repeat co-host. We have brought back The Money Nerd, Whitney Hansen to make the biggest impact on your financial resolutions this New Year! On This Episode You Will Hear: [spp-timestamp time=”01:32″] A quick…