134: All Natural Energy with Pure Coffee Club Andy Schreiber
Getting Pure Coffee Club On The Map: Today’s returning co-host Andy Schreiber returns to teach us about Pure Coffee Club. Their creation of All Natural Energy for the masses. Co-founder of Pure Vitamin Club and co-host with Vinnie Tortorich on the Fitness Confidential Podcast. Pure Coffee Club seeks out the finest specialty coffees from around the…
133: Unwrapping Your Ageless Passions with Karen Putz
Unwrapping Karen’s Ageless Passions Story and How She Found Her Passion Again: On my 44th birthday, I had a low moment. I looked back on my life and thought about the moments of joy. Barefoot water skiing was one of those moments and I just wanted to try experiencing that feeling once more. I tried…
132: LevelUp Your Business and Life with Nathan Walker
It’s time to LevelUp with The Nathan Walker as your new Co-Host: Nathan Walker is a self-made millionaire, entrepreneur, direct sales expert, and business owner. With over 15 years of direct sales experience and business-building, he has changed the lives of many with his ability to ‘LevelUp’ your life; regardless the industry! Nathan is professionally…
131: Harlem Thanksgiving-On-The-Street, StreetCorner Gourmets with Yes!Solutions
A mobile podcast for Thanksgiving-On-The-Street with Yes!Solutions: This is solo recorded episode while traveling to NYC for Yes!Solutions. I’m promoting our annual volunteer work that is accomplished for Thanksgiving in Harlem, NYC. This episode is about the StreetCorner Gourmets and the non-profit work of Yes Solutions founded by Sister Mary Lanning. We even get our…
130: Get Wellthy, Learn, Earn, and Thrive with Krisstina Wise
Getting Wellthy with today’s Wealthy and Healthy Podcasting Co-Host: @KrisstinaWise is a real estate mogul, Millionaire Coach and creator of several multi-million dollar businesses including Goodlife Luxury, The Paperless Agent and most recently, WealthyWellthy. She is also an international speaker and the award-winning author of the Amazon Bestseller Falling for Money, a romance novel for your…