150: Time to Build Identity Capital with Travis Roznos

Building Identity Capital with Travis Roznos on LIVETHEFUEL

Your Wim Hof Co-Host, Travis Roznos, Talks About Building Identity Capital:

Welcome back Travis Roznos! He rejoins us today to dig into Building Identity Capital and much, much more! He first aired on episode 137: Wim Hof Inspired Purpose Through Masculine Practice with Travis Roznos. Well, we loved his “chill lifestyle” so much, I’ve invited him on to be a regular monthly co-host to help us positively impact lifestyle growth! More about Travis…

I’m an ex-corporate ladder climber within the advertising technology space turned catalyst for change in the way the world identifies with and experiences masculinity. Achieving and performing were all that mattered in my twenties until the point where after getting the promotions and making the money, I kept coming back to feeling completely empty. All my intentions and energy were focused on consuming more of things external to myself to build up my identity. A lack of having a father figure my entire life has taken me on this journey of untangling myself from the social pressures we feel as men to be a certain way, to prove our manhood. Taking down the masks socially and emotionally has been my path to freedom, natural expression, and purpose. I’ve built a community for men to do the same and it’s called The Drop. As an embodiment coach and a current Wim Hof Instructor in training my focus is creating a path for men that will allow them to cultivate the way of being and discipline to carry out a life of depth and purpose.

On This Episode You Will Hear:

  • [spp-timestamp time=”00:30″] Introduction
  • [spp-timestamp time=”29:45″] Listen to your damn gut!
  • [spp-timestamp time=”01:05:00″] Final Words


[spp-tweet tweet=”Do a temperature check, look at how you design your life! @TravisRoznos “]

Links and Resources:

People Mentioned:

Final Words:

Look at how you design your life. Look at what are you are investing your time in that’s going to help you become more of who or what you want to be. Do a temperature check because most likely it’s going to feel comfortable. It’s time to get uncomfortable and get weird. Get weird in a variety of ways because on the other side is so much more growth and confidence.

Action Steps:

About the author, Scott

Host of the LIVETHEFUEL Podcast | Public Speaker | Sales & Marketing Professional | Coach | Traveler | Consultant | Health Educator | Former Firefighter